Project Details > Project > Consumables > Poli-Flex Blockout

Poli-Flex Blockout

POLI-FLEX BLOCKOUT is equipped with a blockout intermediate layer and is covered with a self-adhesive liner. Available in the colours 4501 white, 4503 light blue, 4508 red, 4510 yellow and 4515 orange. POLI-FLEX BLOCKOUT is also available with a non-adhesive liner as 45011 white. The standard colours marked with a * on the front page have an excellent sublimation resistance due to the used pigment, even though they do not possess an extra blockout coating. Due to the various material and application influences we recommend that when using these colours, to conduct a test on the original material before every application. POLI-FLEX BLOCKOUT can be cut with all current plotters. We recommend to use a standard 45° knife. After weeding the cut flex film is transferred by heat press. The polyester liner should be removed warm.
